To manifest true health, and, in fact, anything including amazing relationships, a fulfilling career, and happiness, an energetic alignment is needed between our body, mind, and soul. This energetic alignment then creates what is called the “healing flow” state, which is the opposite of the “stress” state. Multiple studies support that there are ways to bring us back into this “healing flow” state so we can thrive instead of surviving and ultimately have optimum health and energy.
At Mind Body Healing House, we work with seven major foundations in order to create the “healing flow” state in mind, body, and soul, as well as to facilitate healing at multiple levels. These seven foundations of a Good Life below support the pursuit of well-being by reducing the risk of chronic lifestyle-related diseases and enhancing vitality. However, it is important to note that this list is by no means exhaustive, nor is it the ultimate solution for all “dis-ease” that we, as human beings on this Earth, experience on our journey. But it is certainly a wonderful lifestyle focal point to activate the “healing flow” state.
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